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Transition Tips
Advance your Career
The Step-By-Step Resignation Process:
Recommendations To Ease the Exit Experience
Please use the following recommendations as appropriate once you've made the
decision to move on to another opportunity:
- Compose your resignation letter. A handwritten resignation letter shows a lack of formality as well as a lack of commitment to your decision...So please type it.
- Meet with your boss or direct supervisor face-to-face. Telephone resignations are inappropriate, as are letters left on a boss's desk or mailed to his/her attention. "Do you have a minute" is more effective than a pre-set appointment.
- Personally deliver your resignation letter to your boss in a sealed envelope. It is advisable to mark the envelope with his/her name as well as "Personal" or "Confidential".
- Verbally state the following: "(Name), I have accepted another position and will be leaving (Organization Name), effective (Date). Thank you for your support and your contribution to my professional development. I hope I can do everything possible during the next (time frame before leaving) to make the transition a smooth one."
- The boss may try to engage you in a conversation about the nature of the new job--or to bring up a counter-offer. Pre-empt the comments by saying: "(Name), I respect our relationship and I know that my resignation may come as a surprise. However, I would appreciate it if you would not try to make this process any more difficult than it has to be"
- Maintain your dignity and professionalism no matter what the boss says.
- Keep the meeting short--Ten minutes. Do not think that engaging your boss with dialogue or debate will get you special treatment. It will not. It will only slow your exit out-the-door. AND THAT IS YOUR GOAL! To get out of his/her door.